Usually we have to wait until Sundays to see the new Staples Weekly Ad, but I got an alert to my inbox today about the new sale! Woot! I couldn't navigate to it through the mainpage (I still got the current weekly ad) but see if you can see the page by clicking the link they sent me here. Just don't buy anything - you're logged in as me! :-)
In case you can't see the ad, or in case you're feeling lazy on this hot-as-Hades August day, here's my brief synopsis of the best of the weekly ad. This is not a complete listing, but they're the deals that I thought might actually be worth it.
2-Pocket Folders are finally on penny sale! Yeah! Usually teacher limits are 25, but that's when in-store limits are 2-5. Since the normal person limit on these is 20, we'll probably be able to push the envelope on this one, but since I need 100, I'll still need to make multiple trips (or bring friends to help).
Staples 4-pack Dry Erase Markers are $3.99 BOGO - works out to $2 a pack or $0.50 a marker. Pick from fine or chisel tip.
Expo Dry Erase 12-pack are on sale for $10.00, down from $15.98! This is a good deal if you like to have assorted colors for your dry-erase boards (I know I do!) and works out to $1.20/marker. While this is higher by over 100% than the staples Dry-Erase on sale, you may choose Expo for one of several reasons: Expo are known to be excellent dry erase markers, while I think the Staples brand is new. You may have a finicky white board that isn't as good with cheaper markers (I'm looking at you, LiquiMark! You suck!). Or you may just be into the colors. I would suggest getting one or two Expo 12-packs (put one away until December) and then using the BOGO above to stock up on everything else you need.
Sharpie Felt-Tip Pens BOGO - $6.99 for a fine-tip 4-pack or $9.99 for the assorted colors 6-pack. The assorted colors are good for grading (black, blue, green, purple and orange, plus a red that I'm sure you can use for something). I am OBSESSED with these pens, and this is a really good deal. Seriously, best. pens. Ever!
24-pack multicolored Sharpies $10.00.
36-pack Staples brand Gel Pens $10.00 (I thought Gel Pens went out in like, 1999!)
Staples Plastic Pencil Cases B1G2 $0.99 (works out to $0.33 each!)
Staples Construction Paper Ream B1G2 $4.99 (works out to $1.66 each!)
20%-50% off backpacks
HP 4-gig Flash Drive $9.99
And now here's a deal that might be worth it and might not be.... I won't do it, but you might be interested, depending on how much money you're willing to lay out.
Staples is offering a BOGO after Rebate on 5-ream Typing Paper Cartons. These retail at $24.99 each, so paying for 2 requires you to shell out $50. Yikes! But then you'll get a $25 instant rebate and have paid $25 - or $2.50 each ream - for the paper. There are also coupons floating around (I haven't found any, but if I do, I'll post - I'm on it!) that are $20 off orders of $50+, which could get the layout down to $30 and the total cost down to $5.00 - or $0.50 a ream! I'm not usually a rebate fan, and I wouldn't lay out the $50, but I would be willing to lay out $30 to get 10 reams of paper for $5.00. I'll post if I find the coupons.
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