Even though they're on the supply list at the beginning of the year (and on the Christmas Refill list!), we are always low on Wipeys. So free samples of wipes are the way to go!

I've never heard of this company, but they apparently make baby wipes, hand sanitizer, feminine wipes, and adult tush wipes (wtf?!). They have a section for requesting samples where you write them and send a SASE to request samples. It's not 100% FREE because it'll cost you two stamps, but I requested adult tush wipes, baby wipes and hand sanitizer in one fell swoop. In order to excuse the sample greed, I explained that I am a teacher who uses these types of products heavily in the classroom and that I've never encountered their product before. I'm hoping I get a good response! You can get their address on the website.

7th Generation makes great baby wipes, but they're pretty expensive. They're thick, plushy and environmentally friendly, which Cheaper Teachers can't always afford to be. While they don't appear to offer free samples, they do offer coupons on their website. Be Careful though, because you can only print command TWICE for each coupon, so make sure your printer is connected and running before you try to print.
While I'm not a big coupon clipper, I want to be. If you could couple these coupons with a sale on 7th Generation products at Fairway, Target or Rite Aid (they all carry them) you might get an expensive product at an OK price.
(You can also print more than 2 coupons if you use other people's computers, so get your friends to help you and stock up on savings for the year, then wait it out for a sale!)
More Wednesday Freebies to come!
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