Sunday, September 13, 2009
Most Back-to-School Sales are Over!

Monday, September 7, 2009
Cheaper Teachers are Cheaper Eaters!t

Saturday, September 5, 2009
These Crazy LeapFrogs Keep Getting Cheaper!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009
More Leapfrog TAG Amazingness

Holy Almost-Free Leapfrogs, Cheaper Teacher!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Free Clorox Wipes for your nasty, germy, dusty classroom!

Sorry for the weird image, but the Clorox site is weird about letting you steal their logo from the pictures!
SmileBox Teacher Toolbox ($40 value - FREE)

$11 worth of Lysol Coupons

Hey, Cheaper Teacher. You nasty.
Leapfrog TAG it Up!

This is a store-specific deal, but a good one. Remember how I told you you could get Leapfrog TAG reading systems for $15 at Target if you used the $10 off coupon from the Leapfrog site? And remember how bummed we all were that the TAG books are not really that cheap?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Quick Freebie - freeology.com
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Books for as low as $1.77 at Books-a-Million!

I love the internet!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Borders Teacher Rewards Card

Monday, August 24, 2009
$14.98 Leapfrog TAG Reading System at Target

Off to Target
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Staples: The Grinch Who Stole Back-to-School

To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing in regard to a situation that I have noticed at my local Staples, store number 0147. While my dissatisfaction is in many ways site-specific, the problems I have witnessed at this store lately indicate a larger problem with Staples Corporate.
I am a teacher and have also been a long-time Staples customer. I spend hundreds of dollars on school supplies at your store per year and am a Teacher Rewards cardholder. I buy most of my supplies at Staples at full price, and stock my classroom from your shelves. The one chance I have to save a bit of money is during the Staples Penny Sale, which I excitedly anticipate each week. This is both a useful and fun shopping experience for me; I enjoy stocking up on back-to-school materials at a good price, and almost always buy several full-priced items during your sale.
In previous years, showing my teacher identification card and my Staples Teacher Rewards card allowed me to bypass limits on these sale items, within reason. I thought this was a wonderful thing that Staples does for teachers, and always made sure to buy only what I needed on sale. This year, however, I was surprised to learn that teachers are held to limits of 25 per item. While surprising and disappointing, I have mostly been able to make these limits work for what I need.
This morning, however, I rushed to my local Staples because the sale I most anxiously anticipate was going on—one cent for folders. As a teacher of 5 subjects, I color-code my students’ folders, and your penny sale on folders is invaluable for me. I needed to buy 90 folders—15 each of 5 colors—and asked a salesperson what the limits were for teachers and was told we are limited to 25. As the sale holds limits for all other patrons to 20 (as opposed to the usual 5 or less), I found this unfair. If it is understood that the average patron will need exponentially more than the usual limits on penny sale, shouldn’t the same hold true for teachers?
Fortunately, I was able to make three transactions in a row to get the folders I needed because there was no one behind me on line. However, a short while later, I returned with my mother, also a teacher, when she needed folders. While she waited outside with the dog, I went to purchase more folders for her classroom. She needed 50 folders, which I collected. When I got on line, the store manager on duty (it was about 12:00 noon) told me that I would not be allowed to make 2 transactions and that I was not allowed to get back on a line with more folders. I was limited to 25 folders and asked to leave the store without the rest of my purchase.
At this time I also witnessed a disturbing event; a young girl and her mother were on line in front of me. When the mother went to look at something in the store, she left her young daughter, who was about 8 years old, to pay for the items she had collected, which included on-sale construction paper and folders. When the child got to the front of the line, she was informed by the cashier that she was not allowed to purchase sale items because she was under 18. I asked the cashier why this was store policy, and he explained that Corporate was trying to prevent families from bypassing sale limits by asking their children to make transactions.
Staples’ slogan is “that was easy,” but of late it has become anything but easy for teachers and families—who may need multiple quantities of items and may not be able to afford them without your sales—to make purchases at your store. I found the staff at my local Staples quite pleasant during these two transactions, but the manager was extremely unpleasant. When I expressed dissatisfaction with the limit of 25 folders and explained that last year I had been given an override to buy the 90 I needed, she snapped, “This is not last year. Policies change.” When she refused to let me back on line and told me I could not make any more sale purchases, she was equally rude.
I am not the only teacher dissatisfied with the position Staples has taken regarding limits on sale items; I spoke to several other teachers who were equally annoyed. Furthermore, I called your competitors, Office Max and Office Depot, and was told that documented teachers would be able to completely override sale limits at their stores. When I was at Office Depot last week, they even encouraged me to take beyond the limits on free-with-purchase items! Office Max is currently running the exact same sale on folders as you are (though limits for non-teachers are 6).
I manage a blog called Cheaper Teacher, which helps teachers to find deals on school supplies. I will be posting this letter on my blog at www.cheaperteacher.blogspot.com along with a more detailed complaint against Staples’ new policy regarding sales. I have already expressed dissatisfaction with the scaling back of your penny sale this year, but I believe my experience today will cost you a great deal of patronage.
I hope that Staples Corporate will attempt to rectify this situation, which has already inconvenienced several teachers that I know of. I always enjoyed being a Staples customer and am very surprised with the treatment I have received and witnessed at Staples lately. I do not plan to shop at Staples until I have heard from you and will be making the rest of my back-to-school purchases at your competitors’ stores.
I hopefully anticipate your reply.
Best regards,
Mallory McMahon
I plan to eventually detail my experience even further on this blog, and I promise to post any replies I get from Staples (with their permission) or at very least let you know what, if any, response I get.
How to get 400-ct Post-It Pads for $0.50
--Write comments and feedback for student work without having to write on their work (which some schools frown upon)
--For pre-literate students who are still in the drawing/labeling stages of writing, write down what they said their story is (exactly as they say it) and place on picture (front or back) so that you remember the story or for bulletin board purposes.
--Give to students to make notes about their reading during Readers' Workshop.
--Use in Math Workshop when making bar graphs with the children - each square = one unit up on the bar.
So how can you get Post-Its for $0.50?! Follow these easy steps:
(1) Go to the 3M site and print their coupon page. Coupons are good until 9/6/09 and you can print as many as you want (a lot of online coupons have 2-coupon limits). I printed 5.
(2) Cut out the middle coupon for $0.50 of any one Super Sticky Post-It Pad. It's up to you if you want to spend, save or discard the other two coupons on the page for Pot-It Flags.
(3) Go to any Office Max during the week of 8/23 - 8/29, where 400-ct cubes of Post-It notes are on sale for $1.00. Buy as many as you have coupons for.
(4) When you get to the register, give over your coupons!
Since Post-It packs run between $2.75 and $3.75 (according to the Office Max ad), if you buy 5 pads you are theoretically doing a B1G4 with a small discount! Wow!
**Note - if Office Max tries to decline the coupons, remind them that they are manufacturer's coupons, so Office Max will be reimbursed for the money you saved by the 3M Corporation. Ask politely for a manager if the salesperson tries to block your transaction - it's a perfectly OK transaction and you shouldn't have any problems!
Office Max Back to School for Pennies Deals week of 8/23 - 8/30

But the offer I'm really excited about this week is on the same level as the half-off Expo Markers at Office Depot yesterday that got me so pumped up..... Half-Off Mr. Sketch Markers! Yahoo!!! The 18-pack was pictured, and these usually cost around $14, so to get them for around $7 is truly exciting. These are my preferred chart markers. The kids aren't allowed to touch them (they get Crayola, which I find bleed on charts and smudge with my left-handedness). Mr. Sketch have a crisp line, don't bleed and take longer to fade when you hang your charts than other markers tend to. They smudge much less with my left-handedness (if I'm cautious, they don't smudge at all!) and the colors are really vibrant. I use these every day all year long and they're a huge expense. So guess what I'll be stocking up on this week?
New Target Weekly Ad - 8/23 - 8/29
That said, Target has adorable shoes for fall.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Customer Review: Office Depot Teacher Appreciation Day
Customer Review: Staples Teacher Appreciation Day
What I got at Old Navy!
What I did for Teacher Appreciation Day
Check out what I scored for Teacher Appreciation Day! You can't see everything in the picture, so of course I'm willing to give a breakdown of the scene (which, for the record, took forever to set up, so I hope you appreciate it!)
Appreciate Me!
Friday, August 21, 2009
New Office Depot 8/23 - 8/30 Circular with some good deals

New Staples Weekly Ad!

Usually we have to wait until Sundays to see the new Staples Weekly Ad, but I got an alert to my inbox today about the new sale! Woot! I couldn't navigate to it through the mainpage (I still got the current weekly ad) but see if you can see the page by clicking the link they sent me here. Just don't buy anything - you're logged in as me! :-)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Potential Office Max
Another wipey post!

Dilemma! Old Navy T-Shirt Sale is the same day as Teacher Appreciation Day!

Old Navy has been having some great sales lately. Earlier in the month they had all ribbed tank tops on sale for $2, and all women's jeans are currently $19 (kids' jeans are $10!). On Saturday, August 22, 2009 they are running a one-day promotion where all basic tee-shirts will be on sale for $3 (limit 5). For those of you who are not math teachers, that means you can get 5 shirts for $15 with tax.
Target Dollar Deals - Mostly Prize Box