If you go here you can print a $4.00 off Leapfrog Product coupon. These coupons are unlimited, which means you can print as many as you want... but you won't need that many, because K-Mart (where the books are on sale for as low as $4.80) offers a $5.00 coupon (the kind that prints from the machine by the register) when you spend $5.00 on LeapFrog products!
So here's what you need to do:
:::Pick 2 LeapFrog TAG books at $4.80 each. Use 2 -$4.00 coupons. Pay $0.80 each, or $1.60 for two books (a little less than you'd've paid for one using the $3.00 off coupon I posted about earlier.
:::Your cashier will hand you a $5.00 off LeapFrog purchase coupon that the register generates.
:::Go find 2 more LeapFrog TAG books. Get back on line. Use the $5.00 off AND the $4.00 coupons. This will knock the price of one down to FREE with a $0.20 overage and the other off to $0.60 ($4.80 - $4.00 - $0.20 overage from other purchase) - Two LeapFrog Books for $0.60!
:::Another $5.00 coupon will print.
:::Repeat from the 3rd step until you have all the titles you want.
I would suggest printing about 6 coupons, which leaves you the opportunity for up to 5 transactions. If you already printed the $3.00 off coupons, you may want to save ink on your computer and pay the extra dollar on some transactions.
You may also want to have a friend on line a few people behind you with more titles to keep things flowing - you grab 2 books and so does s/he. You get on line, he lets about 5 people between you. When you pay, hand off your $5.00 coupon and go get 2 more books. Get back on line. Your friend can hand you their $5.00 coupon while they get more books. This could significantly speed up the process.
I have heard that to use rolling coupons like this you may want to try to get on different lines to make sure no one stops you from making multiple transactions. I've also heard that some cashiers will let you make 2 or 3 transactions at one time, which means you can just keep handing over 2 books and using the $5.00 coupon that prints!
Best. Center. Ever.
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